EDIT: if the video embedded above doesn't work, I also put it on Vimeo. Yay Vimeo.
http://vimeo.com/30342424Here's the first part of the animatic. I'm doing it in installments because at this point it's still in flux and I don't want to sit down and board the whole thing, then make an animatic of the whole thing, and put off animating while doing so. Time-wise, it just isn't smart. That being said, here's the first 'act', if we're going by the model so oft-used by Shakespeare and his contemporaries of the five-act play. Actually, it's a Roman model, but it was soon forgotten about and then regained popularity in the Renaissance (as would be fitting). Freytag put it best in his oh-so-German dissection of the dramatic arc: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and dénouement.
So, here's the 'exposition' bit, which will be followed by the rising action sequence of shadows cast over Penny as she struggles to understand what it is that keeps her from relating to the world she inhabits.
Climax: Penny's tantrum, Cruella deVil-style with ink blots flying everywhere.
Falling Action: the public spotlight on Penny's art and abilities visible takes a toll. She and the general populous need to figure out what to do. **THIS IS WHERE I'M STILL TWEAKING. Many thanks to Matt for helping me bounce ideas back and forth.
Denouement: Penny (through one course of action or another) is no more, but we see her lasting imprint on the world in the lingering bones of the city and how the people recognize that.
( The previous explanation was written very excitedly and with much credit due to Sharon Carnicke's THTR 302 class, Spring 2010!:D )